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Tuesday, January 23, 2024


It was very wet overnight so I had to wear waterproofs when I went to join the trek to school with Ellie and Zoe. Ellie was full of the joys of Spring (a couple of months early). She had a class outing today. They would be going to Southampton to see the Titanic Museum as part of their theme for the term "Unsinkable".

Back home, I grabbed some breakfast, read the news, and then headed for the study. Diane, similarly, headed for her study so that she could get on with her sewing project.

I managed to finish the editing of the 1970s Journal. It was quite sparse in places, but I need contemporaneous notes or photos to retrofit entries. I sent it off for printing and then waded into the 1980s. So far, I have managed to get as far as 1985, covering Pal and Michelle's wedding, Jane and Trevor's wedding, our move to Broom, a business trip to Los Angeles, and joining IBM. There's a long way to go.

Zoe has problems with her back, so Diane and I went to collect Ellie from school. She had clearly enjoyed the day and was full of snippets from the trip. I did ask if she knew the names of all the survivors, yet. She treated the question with the contempt it deserved uttering a withering "Grandpa!".

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