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Monday, January 08, 2024


It was a chilly start to the day. Ellie was dropped off after 7:00 but we soon realised she had left her school shoes behind. I wandered around to Zoe's with a degree of trepidation. Would I be able to find the errant footwear? As it happens, and quite surprisingly, the answer was yes. They were right in the middle of the lounge floor... I'm not sure how they could have been forgotten!

After the school run, we came back for a quiet breakfast. Di had a call scheduled with her friend, Marilyn at 10:00. I went and hid in the study and updated the accounts before returning to the editing of the 2023 Journal. It took a couple of hours, but I have now completed the journal through to the end of February.

At lunchtime, it started to snow. It wasn't heavy, but it was enough to cover the Orangery roof and make the house feel quite dark. The flakes continued for most of the afternoon but they were not settling. I settled down with my Kindle before starting to cook a chicken for dinner.

Ellie was very excited about the snow when I collected her from school. She has been reading her school book to Nana this evening and is now having a bath and hair wash while I write this.

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