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Friday, January 12, 2024

Two Loos

Ellie was awake at 6:30 and checked that she could play quietly in her room. Of course she could and we could have another 30 minutes in bed. The morning kicked into gear and before we knew it, it was time to take Ellie to school.

Back home we topped up our caffeine levels and had some breakfast. Normally, being Friday, Diane would go to the Cardiac Rehab session. Her knee has been giving her trouble and she has been prescribed a new tablet (as she can't take Ibuprofen) to try and ease the discomfort. The dose increases from now, but so far has not made any appreciable difference. Cardiac Rehab would have to wait, but she went along to the Community Centre to explain to the nurse why she would not be attending.

After I had completed some domestic chores, I settled down to answer some questions that had come in from Brian Kennedy and Mike Nastys. This reminded me that I had not yet booked the flights for our long weekend with Michael in June. It didn't take too long, but we now have flights booked to and from Toulouse. It should be fun.

Diane suggested we look for a cottage or somewhere where we can stay as a family to make sure Ellie gets a proper holiday. There were threats of Zoe taking her abroad, but there has been no movement on getting passports sorted out. I spent a couple of hours looking at rentals on the Isle of Wight and along the Dorset coast. There are several candidates but we will have to discuss them with the wider family.

I collected Ellie from school. She was very proud that she had been awarded the certificate "Star of the Week" and also received the headmistress's award. I laminated the certificate as soon as we got home. She wasn't with us for too long. Pete came to collect her for the weekend.

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