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Monday, October 21, 2024

Out for Lunch

I waited until I heard Ellie switch on the iPad before getting up. It was just before 07:00 and was a further 20-30 minutes before Ellie and Diane came down to join me. Ellie had slept well, was in a chirpy mood, and was eager to get to school. I walked her around to the classroom and then set off for my pre-breakfast walk. The weather was mild and dry, but quite overcast.

The usual domestic chores followed breakfast, and then we prepared to head out and meet with Jane and Trevor for lunch. We drove up through Duncton, Petworth, Northchapel, Chiddingfold, and Milford and pulled into the car park of The Refectory. The restaurant had not yet opened so we sat by the open fire and had a quiet coffee while waiting for Jane and Trevor. Soon after they arrived we went through to our table. I was amazed by how busy it became in the restaurant, considering it was a Monday lunchtime. They only seemed to have a skeleton staff on duty so service was particularly slow... even if the food was very good. Jane had a delicious-looking shoulder of lamb while the rest of us chose pork and leek sausages on mashed potatoes with onion gravy. It was a simple dish, but quite delicious.

We chatted over all the recent news and discussed various forthcoming trips that we have planned. We were going to discuss excursions for our 2025 cruise but hadn't had time to review them in advance. That will have to be an exercise for another day. We had to bid adieu at 14:30 so that we could be home in time to collect Ellie from after-school drama club. We had an excellent run back but were surprised by the amount of rain that we drove into en route. By the time we got home, it was quite foul.

We collected Ellie from school and took her straight home to Zoe (who had come home early with a stinking cold).

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Slow Hand

 I was up just before 07:00, Ellie was just waking up, but she stayed in her room for another hour and came down with Nana. The weather was dreadful, with high winds and driving rain. We all had breakfast and soon after Zoe came to collect Ellie so they could snuggle up on the sofa and have a movie morning before Zoe had to head back to work for the afternoon's management meeting.

It may have been 09:30, but I started preparing a beef stew for dinner. I used the "slow cook" feature on the Instant Pot. I set it on high and fired it up for nearly seven hours.

My first task was to check the code I'd written during lockdown to see if it supported the feature my colleague queried. It did. I wrote back confirming that it was supported and suggested that he should send me a suitable code snippet that I could test if he was having trouble.

With that done, Diane and I headed out to the garage and sorted through the detritus. We have a disposal chap visiting on Tuesday and it would be sensible to sort things out in advance. This didn't take us as long as we had expected.

Zoe brought Ellie back to us after lunch. She has spent the afternoon pottering about watching YouTube, doing some crafts with Nana, playing hotels with Nana and Grandpa, and doing some Maths with Nana. She will be staying with us overnight again.

Dinner taught me that the Instant Pot slow cook feature isn't as good as a proper slow cooker. I had to finish the meal off in a conventional oven.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Bandit Country

 There was torrential rain first thing and we had a drive ahead of us... but not for an hour or two. Coffee and breakfast were the first items on the day's agenda. I presented myself at the cousins' Zoom call and we had an interesting 40 minutes, even though some of the usual attendees were absent.

I had an email from an old Starfleet friend. He was asking if the cross-referencing software I wrote during lockdown supported a particular feature. I couldn't remember. I sent him a holding reply, promising I would check tomorrow.

With the call over and the email on hold, we grabbed our gear, ready to hit the King's highways. By this time, the rain had stopped and the sun was out. We had a remarkably clear run to the bandit country of Odiham. It was nice meeting Jan and John for the first time in several months. During this time, he has been particularly unwell and spent a great deal of time shuttling back and forth between hospitals, doctors, and specialists. There still seems to be no definitive diagnosis, but at least he has a plan moving forward. Beyond his health, we also heard about their river cruise through the Dordogne. It was a first for them and as we expected, they absolutely loved it and have already booked another for next year.

We went to the Lord Derby for lunch. This is just off the M3 junction between Odiham and Hook. We have been there before, but it has changed hands several times since. It was clearly very popular and we settled down in a quiet spot. Over the continuing conversation, we managed to get some drinks and order our lunch. It was simple fare, but delicious. John chose a lamb shank, Di and Jan went for the fish pie (which came out at a temperature approaching the surface of the sun), and I chose simple fish and chips. As I said, simple fare, but very tasty.

We headed back to Jand and John's for an hour or so before heading home. We had to get back before 18:00 as we were expecting Ellie, who would be staying overnight. I also wanted to get back before it got too dark because, stupidly, I had left home in my sunglasses and left my ordinary glasses in the kitchen.

Ellie was dropped a little later than planned but she went up to bed almost immediately. Having said that, she was still awake when we came up to bed at ten o'clock. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Star the Work

I was up and about before Ellie surfaced. She had slept well and was bright, bubbly, and ready to rock. Diane had to prepare for her post-rehab exercise session so I took Ellie to school. She disappeared into class, and I took a short walk before breakfast. By the time I got home, Diane had already left.

I had some admin to clear and a few domestic chores to complete and was just finishing up as Diane arrived home. It was time to go for a proper walk. There was no need for a jacket as the sun was out and the sky was clear. I strode out and zig-zagged around the neighbourhood. An hour later I arrived home, with another 6 km under my belt... this took me over 100 km for October.

After lunch, we settled down for some Kindle time until I could collect Ellie. She bounced out of class bearing the Headmistress's Award badge and the Star of the Week award. She has done really well and we have made sure she knows how proud we are of her.

Once home and changed, Diane took Ellie to Sainsbury's. They have a clothing sale, and Di wanted to get some additional gear for her to keep at our house.

Thursday, October 17, 2024


 It was another alarm-free start to the day. Having said that, I was wide awake by 06:30 and up 10 minutes later. Coffee and online news greeted the day before I completed my ablutions and headed around to Zoe's for the school walk. I didn't indulge in an early walk after the drop-off. We had things to do.

Back home, I had breakfast and between us we completed the shopping list. The plan was to shop early and raid Sainsbury's before the Zombie bus dropped off its weekly load. This worked well and we cleared the shops by 10:15.

We were meeting David, one of my football friends, and Elaine, his young lady for lunch. David lost his wife to cancer last year and Elaine is also widowed. The two met at a Warner's resort and have been together for a little while now. We met up with them at The Lobster Pot. The sun was shining and it was lovely and warm as we sat outside above the beach. We chatted about our respective lives and experiences and found plenty of common touchpoints. It was a really pleasant lunchtime. We have resolved to meet up again when Elaine is next up here with David. (She lives in Devon).

Back home we had an hour or so before collecting Ellie. We started on our Kindles but I ducked out after a while so that I could get my daily walk completed before Ellie finished. She is staying with us overnight.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Another lazy start as Zoe had another day off. I had my usual coffee and at the scheduled hour walked around to participate in the school walk. Once Ellie was in class, Zoe headed home and I went off for my pre-breakfast walk. It was only two and a half km, but it triggered the appetite for a bowl of porridge.

Soon after I got back, Diane headed off to Angmering for her Pilates session. After a few domestic chores, I put my mind to the assembly of some nice side tables that Diane had ordered for the Orangery. It didn't take too long, but we now have a nice side table at each end of each of the sofas. With that done, I headed out for another walk. By this time, the sun was out and it was about 18C. I shouldn't have taken a jacket, but did and as a result, I was baking by the time I got home.

We had a call from Zoe. She was giving us all the latest news about the kitten, Bo. Once she was finished, we managed to get some Kindle time until Di left to collect Ellie from school.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


There was no need to get up early. Zoe had a day off, so I wandered around in time to take Ellie to school. Zoe would normally come along for the walk but was decidedly under the weather so she stayed put and Ellie and I walked together. Leaving her in the classroom, I headed off for a short walk before heading home for breakfast.

Much of the morning was spent doing admin. While I tapped away at the keyboard, Di did some ironing and Lottie arrived to help with some cleaning upstairs. When I finished, I left the girls to it and headed out for another walk. I didn't go too far today, but it was nice to stir up the bloodstream and listen to some more of my current audiobook.

Talking of the bloodstream, I was pleased to receive the results of yesterday's blood tests. All key markers had improved in the last 6 months, and only one is out of the recommended range. 

We both had some Kindle time this afternoon before Diane headed off to collect Ellie from school. There's great excitement at Zoe's. She and Ellie are currently "looking after" a 12-week-old kitten. Needless to say, Ellie loves it even if he is sleeping most of the day at present.

Monday, October 14, 2024

An Armful

 We were up early to greet Ellie as she was dropped off. She was in a bubbly mood and exploded into the house, greeted Grandpa and ran upstairs to get Nana. When the clock ticked around to 08:30, I took her to school and left her in the classroom before going on for a few laps of the lake (walking, not swimming) before breakfast.

Mid-morning, I grabbed my shoes and waterproof coat as I had an appointment at the Doctor's surgery. Despite the promises of the weather forecast, it was still raining. I told myself that it was only water and decided to walk there. I arrived in plenty of time and waited until the phlebotamist was ready for me. I was only having a blood test to check on things like sugar and cholesterol levels. I was in and out within a few minutes and started on the walk back. The rain had stopped, so I added an extra loop onto the more direct loop.

The afternoon was spent with our Kindles, though Diane went to collect Ellie after her Drama Club and took her straight home.

Sunday, October 13, 2024


 After a poor night's sleep, I wandered downstairs for a coffee soon after seven. Di followed me down at eight. We had a quiet and leisurely breakfast before we set about the day.

For me, the first items on the agenda were administrative. Zoe now has her replacement bank account and card so I had to transfer the balance of her old account back to her. While dealing with finances, I also updated our accounts. I then had some domestic chores as Diane started on her schedule of work which focused on blitzing the Orangery. We now have so much detritus in the garage that we need to get the skip man in to clear it in a single load.

I headed off for a walk. I selected an Ian Ranking "Rebus" novel as my audiobook, but realised that I had heard it before, but forgot to mark it as "Finished". I'll have to select another book before my next walk.

Back home, the radiator that I recently purchased for the Orangery had kicked into life and was taking the edge of the cool day. After lunch, while not warm, it was comfortable enough to have some Kindle time before I started on the Sunday roast.

E~llie has been with Pete at the weekend but is home now. She just knocked on our door because she wanted a cuddle from Grandpa and Nana. That is something we can always accommodate.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


 We had a very leisurely start to the day. There was no hurry to do anything, though I did have my weekly Zoom call with my cousins. This was fun, as usual, and Tim, who was clearly suffering from a cold, flu, or Covid, got no sympathy whatsoever. In fact, he was teased mercilessly - as is only right in such circumstances.

After the call, we had to head downtown. We had appointments for our Covid jabs. This turned into a bit of a palaver. The centre normally can accommodate 250 jabs in the morning and 250 in the afternoon. However, maintenance work had reduced the usable space in half so we were queued around the surgery and down the stairs. The centralised booking system had not taken the reduced capacity into account. In fact, they had left the system open for too long and the centre actually had 900 people booked in for the day. They were trying their best, but it was chaotic.

When we got home, the rain that had plagued the start of the morning had stopped and the sun had shown its face. More rain was forecast so I thought I'd make the most of the dry spell and take a walk. By the time I arrived back home, I was within 10 minutes of the end of my latest audiobook. I grabbed some lunch and settled down to listen to the end. I must now select my next audiobook before I start my next walk.

With the audiobook finished, I switched over to the Kindle for a quiet afternoon.  We had some torrential rain for a while, which made me grateful that I hadn't gone to watch Bognor Football Club's game. This had been a plan for a while, but I was concerned the rain may set in - boy! was I right.

Friday, October 11, 2024


The alarm was set for an early start. Ellie was dropped off at 06:45 and was already washed, dressed, fed, and ready for school. There was nothing for us to do until it was time for the walk to school. We both walked her around to the classroom and made sure that her Stone Age girl project was handed over in one piece.

Once back home, I settled down for breakfast while Diane got her bits together and headed off to the local community centre for her post-rehab cardiac exercises. I spent the time while Di was out finishing breakfast, reading the news, and updating the accounts. Once she got back, I headed out for a nice walk in the sunshine.  I have now walked almost 60 km since the 1st of the month.

The feedback from this week's Band of Brothers' Lunch was such that I had to suggest some dates for a further lunch in the spring. I sent out some suggested dates and have already had positive responses. ~I guess I will have to start organising again!

After lunch, we both had some Kindle time before I went to collect Ellie from school. She came back for a snack before Pete came to collect her for the weekend.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Carpet cleaning

 We were expecting an early start - but not quite as early as things turned out. Just after 2 a.m. Jasper leapt off the bed and promptly vomited over our bedroom floor. We cleaned up the mess and went back to bed. Fortunately, there were no further interrupts before the alarm went off and I had to get up to greet Ellie as she was dropped off.

It had been very wet overnight and had only just stopped raining when it was time to take Ellie to school. I walked her to class and then had a short walk before going home for breakfast. with our weekly shopping list committed to the phone, we headed off to Sainsbury's. We were lucky. Arriving early we managed to complete the raid before the Zombie bus arrived to disgorge its Apocalypse.

Back home, with the shopping stashed, I sat down to do the accounts and check up on various bits of Admin and then went around with the carpet cleaner to sort out the various stain left by Jasper last night.

After lunch, we had some Kindle time before we had to capture Jasper so that Di could take him to the Vet for his annual jabs. I had to stay behind so that I could collect Ellie, so I headed out for a few loops of the lake before the end of the school day.

Ellie got changed when she got home, and then she finished her project on the Stone Age girl. We managed to get it all submitted online.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Stroll On

 There was no need to get up early. Zoe wasn't starting work until nine. I had a coffee and read the news before strolling around to make the walk to school with Ellie. Once she was in class, I set off for a short pre-breakfast walk.

Back home I settled down for breakfast as Diane left for her Pilates session in Angmering. I had plenty admin to clear first thing but then I set off for a longer walk. I headed off to North Bersted Street and walked across the bypass and onto Shripney. I turned back when I arrived at the A29.

Diane got back at lunchtime and after we had grabbed a bite to eat we sat down for some Kindle time.

I collected Ellie from school and took her to the park to run off some energy. Once home, she worked (with Nana) on her Stone Age girl project.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Meet up

 Though it was Zoe's day off, she had to go into the store early to provide a couple of hours of cover. As a result, we had the early drop-off for Ellie. As the weather was particularly wet (though not actually raining), I walked with her to school as she rode her bike.

Back home, I had some breakfast and then Diane took me along to Bognor railway station. I settled down with my Kindle to pass the next couple of hours as I headed for Victoria. AT Victoria, I asked Google Maps to guide me and set off walking to my destination.

I passed Buckingham Palace and took this photo to show Ellie. As I crossed the road into Green Park, it started to rain but it never really amounted to much. Turning onto Regents Street I headed for Piccadilly Circus and then looped up Shaftesbury Avenue for a while before turning again and heading for D'Arblay Street and "Vasco and Pierro's Pavillion Restaurant".

Paul, who owns the restaurant and used to go to St Columba's, had given us a table in the glass booth at the back of the restaurant. Mike and Brian were already there and the others drifted in over the next 30 minutes... Charlie, Richard, Max, and Peter. They had come from Cardiff, Northumberland, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, London, and Sussex.

Conversation wasn't an issue as we flipped into reminiscence mode and related and retold stories from our times together in the 1960s and 70s. I was also able to catch up on the health of my oldest friends. We had a lovely lunch. I chose a goat's cheese and tomato starter followed by a Scaloppini Milanese with salad, and finished with some lemon cake with apricots. As usual, the meal was fantastic, and Paul and his staff looked after us brilliantly.

As the clock ticked towards 16:00, we settled up and headed out. Some were destined for a local pub, but I decided to head back to the station. I was lucky, there was a train due to leave in 5 minutes and I found a comfortable seat and settled back down with my Kindle. The train arrived back in Bognor on the dot of 18:21, and Diane was waiting outside. It had been a brilliant day and the messages I have received since are asking for it to become a more regular occurrence (currently it's annual).