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Saturday, June 01, 2024


 We woke to a gloriously sunny morning. There was a cool edge to the breeze, but it was a lovely day. I had the usual call with my cousins. It was slightly more sombre than usual as one of them recounted the problems he was currently having with his grown-up son.

With some domestic chores ticked off, I headed out for a walk. The route had to include the local pharmacy to collect Diane's meds, and the Post Office to get some stamps and send some mail. This constrained the route but managed to keep me away from busy roads.

After lunch, we took a drive to the local garden centre so Di could pick up a few plants and some compost.  Then we settled down for some Kindle time. Later, I went online to order my train tickets for my upcoming long weekend in France. As Di isn't coming, I will get the train to and from Gatwick. Since I last ordered train tickets a few weeks ago, they now support downloads directly to your Apple Walllet. This was much better than having to collect them at the station on the day.

As it was still so nice after dinner, we went back to the Orangery for some more Kindle time.

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