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Friday, June 28, 2024

Run, run, run

 We had a fairly gentle start to the morning. Ellie was at home so there was no need to hurry. We did, however, need to get breakfast and head off together to escort Ellie and Zoe to school. Unlike most school drop-offs, we were staying. Today was Sports Day, so we set up our chairs and blankets by the edge of the running track after seeing Ellie into class.

We had about 45 minutes to wait. There were lovely patches of sunshine but they became less frequent as the wind picked up and cloud covered the sky from edge to edge. As the morning wore on it seemed to get cooler and cooler and after three hours we were frozen. Next year we will have to remember to bring cold-weather gear.

The races themselves were fun as the children tried their hardest for their various houses (Phoenix, Unicorn, Dragon, and Pegasus). Ellie is in Unicorn. It was a while before Ellie's first race - which was a sack race, where she came third or fourth. Her second race was a relay, where she did well and I think her team came second. Her last race was the sprint and she again came second, but was only a smidge away from the win.

Once we got home and had warmed up, we settled down to catch up on the news only to find we seemed to have some issues with the WiFi connection. It took me a while to track it down but it seems there were two "mesh" devices that were too close and were interfering with each other. Once I had moved them, everything burst back into life.

We had the usual Kindle time after lunch until Di went to collect Ellie. I went to fix the new QwikHose connector only for it to eject the spray head and soak me. It took a long time and several attempts to finally get the spray head to fit properly.

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