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Friday, May 31, 2024

Get Together

 It was a lot brighter today, but there was a chill wind.

Ross, the heating engineer, arrived soon after nine. He laid out his plan of attack and immediately began by completing the pipe lagging in the garage and then came inside to start on the new thermostats for the underfloor heating. That's where things started to go wrong. The controls and their installation instructions seemed very vague. A phone call to the manufacturer did not help. In the end, he wired them up and tested them with a multimeter. This revealed that the 12V feed to the heating manifolds was actually DC, not AC. This required a rethink. The rethink concluded that new manifolds were required that would work with a 24V AC feed and this meant a new wiring centre. He tidied up and left to fight another day.

Meanwhile, Diane had gone to Zoe's. She had invited us, and Jane and Trevor for lunch. I went across to join them when Ross had finished. As usual, she laid on a wonderful spread and we had a splendid afternoon of chit-chat and laughter. Late in the afternoon, Pete arrived to collect Ellie for the weekend.

By six, we were home. I started moving the stuff we had shifted for Ross back into the understairs cupboard and laundry cupboard. I will leave Diane to put the various potions and spells into the correct cupboards.

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