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Thursday, June 27, 2024


 I was up and about before Ellie surfaced this morning. She had slept well and woke with mischief in her eyes! Having said that, she was no problem and we marched her off to school at the allotted time. We returned for breakfast. I had to hurry as we were expecting Ross, the heating engineer, and I was due at the dentist soon after 10:00.

Ross turned up with an arm full of boxes and a spring in his step. "We're going to finish this." he declared and buried himself in the cupboard under the stairs. The old control panel was removed and a new one was installed. The manifolds for the underfloor zones were changed. He then started on the new smart thermostats. These proved challenging as the pattress was not quite deep enough. He had to raid the nearest parts factor and get a collar to provide a few extra millimetres of depth. He cracked on throughout the day and finally completed the project. We now have a new, highly efficient gas boiler with smart controls installed on our phones. Given how many problems he hit along the way, I suggested he write up the whole process as it was clear that the technical support staff at the manufacturers were clearly out of their depth.

While all this was going on, I managed to get to the dentist for my 6-monthly checkup. Fortunately, I received a clean bill of health and was home within the hour.

I have received a new Smart WiFi Plus extender from EE. The idea is to add it to the household mesh close to the EETV Mini box. That is easier said than done. The reason it is needed is that the corner is a WiFi blind spot. Guess what, the extender won't work there because it won't mesh because it's a black spot.

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