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Sunday, June 02, 2024


 It was nearly 8 o'clock before I awoke. I felt guilty waking up so late - particularly when it was such a gorgeous morning. The sun was out and the cool breeze of yesterday had dropped. After a lazy breakfast, Di was planning to do some gardening. It would take her a while to get going, so I went out for a walk.

My walk stuck to the neighbourhood, looping around the lake then heading up to North Bersted Street and then along this ancient highway to the outskirts of Shripney. It is a nice relaxing route since there is no traffic or hum of traffic. The only exception is the crossing over the bypass, but that only features for a few seconds. As I walked I continued with my current audiobook (Victims, by Jonathan Kellerman). As the book approaches its climax I must start to consider what I listen to next.

Back home I helped Di with some lifting and shifting in the garden before we settled down for some Kindle time.

With dinner out of the way, the dishwasher on, and the sun still pouring through the windows, I suspect we'll have some more Kindle time before settling down for the evening.

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