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Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 I had to be up early this morning. Ellie was being dropped off and I like to be washed, dressed, and have her breakfast on the go before she explodes into the house. She was delighted with her new bed and slept well. She had insisted on making her bed before coming around to us. (Long may that continue). Once usual ritual was complete, we took her to school and then came back for our own breakfast.

I had several items on my "to-do" list. The first was to perform some maintenance on the vacuum cleaner. Di reported that it had been overheating and cutting out. I took the various components apart and cleaned them up - most were heavily clogged with Jasper's fur. When I got to the filters - I had never worked out how to get to them before today - it was clear what this issue had been.  I cleaned them as well as I could and refitted them. Putting everything back together, the device sprang back into life. Job done. (I ordered some new filters when I had finished).

Next on my agenda was an update to the Accounts, but that didn't take too long. Finally, the replacement viewing card for Sky has failed to arrive. I phoned them and explained, only to be told that the chap I spoke with last week had not followed the correct process and the card had not been sent. Today's chap went back through the process and confirmed the card had been ordered. We should receive it in 3-5 days. He was good enough to apply a credit to the account as compensation for the loss of service.

I went out for a walk and collected Di's meds as I passed the pharmacy. I also finished my latest audiobook and must find another. After a spot of lunch, we had some Kindle time before collecting Ellie from school and taking her to the park on the way home.

I've agreed to organise a "Band of Brothers" lunch in London, in the Autumn. I have just sent out the initial generalised invite. Let's hope we get some interest.

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