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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Stoned again

 We had some rain overnight. That's not a problem, in fact, that's when it should rain so that it causes the minimum inconvenience. I will recommend this to our next MP.

At nine o'clock I had my Zoom call with the cousins. We had a good turnout and it was nice to hear about Sion's recent holiday in southern Africa... Victoria Falls, safari, the Blue Train, Cape Town and so forth. It sounded wonderful.

When the call ended, I settled down to finish filing 615 photos from the last few months. They had been filed in the correct locations and backed up regularly, but the facial recognition hadn't been applied. It took an hour or so, but eventually, everything was done and the metadata was updated.

Diane had started in the garden. She was potting up a rose. Our rill had become coated in blanket weed and the water level dropped significantly. Di wanted the cobbles removed and ultimately replaced. I grabbed some rubble bags and nitrile gloves and set about emptying the rill. It was messy and took about an hour but the cobbles were removed and 9 rubble bags were partially filled. 

We had some Kindle time in the afternoon before I started on dinner. Trevor WhatsApp'd me to say he has configured Time-Machine on his iMac and asked for some additional advice. I was delighted he had Time Machine in place and explained the risks and gave him some advice regarding the Anti-Virus on the iMac.

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