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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Do Not Disturb

 I was awake early. In fact, I resorted to my Kindle and read for 30 minutes before it was time to get up. Ellie was dropped off, just after seven. She had her breakfast, got washed and dressed, but then wouldn't log on to do her times tables practice. In fact, she dug her heels in and whinged until Zoe arrived. We took her to school as usual,  Zoe headed back to work, and I came home for breakfast.

During the morning we headed for the garden centre to get some compost so that Diane could plant a rose we had received for our 50th.

The rest of the day has been immensely quiet, though Di went along to collect Ellie from school. As I was preparing dinner, Di had a telephone call with Denise.

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