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Monday, June 03, 2024

Getting things done

 Zoe was due to start work at nine so it was a lazy start for us. I just had to present myself at the door at 08:20. It was a lovely, bright, sunny morning. Ellie was feeling a bit sorry for herself as she had a scrape on the top of her foot. She needed a dressing and wasn't comfortable in her normal school shoes. A switch to her trainers solved the dilemma and we marched off to school at the usual time.

We had a chap scheduled to come and clean our driveway and all of our paths and patios. This meant that I had to stay put so that I could shift things out of the way for him (he had just been discharged from the hospital and couldn't lift anything heavy). I made use of the time to catch up on some tasks that have been drifting on my "To Do" list. Top of the list was to cancel Diane's seats on the upcoming trip to and from Toulouse. This turned out to be an epic struggle as everything pointed back to the website, but there was no way on the website to achieve a cancellation. In the end, I found a phone number and called customer services. The operative (once I got through) was very helpful and the cancellation was processed immediately. I've now managed to check in for the flights and paid for Fast Track at Security.

Next on my list was to chase an order I placed back. on May 14th. Again, finding a phone number was a bit of a hunt, but again the operative was immensely helpful once I got through. It turns out that they are awaiting a shipment from Canada, but it is expected this week. She said that they would ship my order "Express" once it had arrived.

The last of my "must-do" tasks was to call Sky and report the problem I have been having with Sky-Q (which I think I have discussed before). After some diagnostic questions, the technician gave up and said they would ship a replacement box in the next 48 hours. Seems like a result!

I collected Ellie from school and despite her injured foot, she still wanted to stop off at the park on the way home. They have been discussing the 80th Anniversary of D-Day in class. The teacher has asked if any of them have photos of their Gt or Gt-gt-grandfathers from the war years. I dug out and printed a few photos of Dad,  Di's dad, Uncle Teddy, and Di's Uncle Charlie. 

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