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Friday, June 21, 2024


 Ellie was dropped off as usual. She had only just woken up and wanted a cuddle to get her jump-started. She tucked into the breakfast I had prepared and then headed up to complete her ablutions and get dressed and ready for school.

When we got home and finished our breakfast we started on our chores. Di cleared out the utility cupboard and the understairs cupboard, giving them a good clean. I emptied several of the kitchen cupboards and gave them a thorough clean. Finally, I set about the water filter on the fridge. This is always troublesome. I pulled out the fridge and switched off the water before removing the old filter. I then fitted the new filter and switched on the water which promptly poured all over the floor.  The water switched off, and I tried again. Same result. I went through this several more times before finally getting it right.

We were pleased with the EE TV service last night. I decided to bite the bullet and I removed all of the Sky equipment and reinstalled the EE TV kit in the spots vacated by Sky. I then had the pleasure of phoning Sky and cancelling the service. When I explained why, the agent had the temerity to say that they recommend Sky Stream for all of the people having the problem we did. Well, they didn't suggest it to me, but clearly know all about it. Oh yes, and he said the satellites were due to be switched off in the next couple of years.

After lunch, we had Kindle time before Diane went to collect Ellie from school and take her to the Summer Fete. Zoe managed to get there soon after and they seemed to have a good time.

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