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Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Shaking it up

 Ellie was dropped off to us this morning. We followed the usual morning process before walking her to school.

We decided that we'd mix things up a bit to inject some excitement into the week. With that in mind and a list in hand (no, not a bucket list - we have plenty of those in the garage) we headed for Sainsbury's. We would shop a day early! We could hardly contain our excitement as we sped up and down the Zombie-free aisles.

In the middle of the evening, yesterday, the fire alarm burst into life, scaring the hell out of us. It only lasted about 10 seconds, but then did it again a few minutes later. I disabled the alarm and did a thorough inspection of the house, seeking out any hotspots, smoke, or any other source of combustion. Nothing was found. I left the disabled alarm in the Oranger so that its tweeting couldn't be heard. I had assumed the problem was a dying battery. Today, back from Sainsbury's with a new Duracell 9V battery clutched in my hand, I reassembled (and tested) the alarm. All was well and we were protected again.

We had some Kindle time this afternoon before I collected Ellie from school. We gave her a snack and let her get changed. Zoe arrived soon after and Di, Zoe and Ellie headed into Chichester for Ellie's dental appointment. Now home, Di reports that she was very good and did very well.

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