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Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 We were up early so that Ellie could be dropped off. This entry should be in praise of coffee because I skipped my usual morning intake and went for tea. It's good, but it's not the same. Despite the lack of caffeine (our tea is decaff) we managed to get Ellie off to school on time and without incident.

Our plan was to hit the metropolis that is Chichester (hence the tea to minimise the need for a comfort break). Diane had a couple of shops she wished to raid and I was happy to act as the getaway carrier. After the first few stops in South Street, we were debating our next stop. Unfortunately, we lingered too long and were trapped by the South Street Black Hole. It drew us inexorably closer until it ejected us through the portal into Crew Clothing. The only escape was to purchase some items that acted as a shield to allow us safe passage towards North Street. Eventually, the shopping was finished and we stopped at a new coffee shop on East Street. The shop, called 17Grams is really nice and relaxed and they roast their own coffee daily. We enjoyed a late-morning caffeine hit and some pastries then headed home.

I spent about 45 minutes on the phone with a techie from EE TV. There were a couple of anomalies I wanted to iron out. He hopes he has got to the bottom of it and is sending me a further mesh device for the family room. This should reduce the latency that the EETV is experiencing. We'll see.

It was too hot to sit in the Orangery or the garden so our Kindle time was taken in the cool of the lounge.

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