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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Eject, eject

 We had some Tempura Chicken last night. It was clear that something was wrong. It tasted ok "-ish" but the tempura wasn't crispy and tasted more like a normal batter. During the evening we watched the football (Germany vs Scotland) but, by half-time, I asked Di if she felt ok. She did. I didn't.  I went to the loo and within a few seconds had ejected the whole of my evening meal, As it happens, Di's metabolism is slower than mine. It was this morning that her body rejected last night's dinner... though it did eject through a different orifice!

I was up early this morning, and to be fair, felt as right as rain. Talking of which it poured down for the first half of the morning. After breakfast, I had my usual call with the cousins. There was nothing of great import to report.

During the morning and some of the afternoon I spent time trying to work out what to do with our data access during a forthcoming trip to Turkey. After a lot of research, I have a couple of options for providing data roaming using an eSIM.

Chri and Maureen dropped in to say thanks for my help during the week. It seemed a bit overkill, but they donated a couple of nice bottles of wine.

I had a call from Jane. She has details of Paul and Cathy's forthcoming trip to the Paris Olympics via London. We now have to work out when we can all meet up.

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