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Tuesday, June 11, 2024


As much fun as it is to travel, it's lovely to be home with Di. Ellie was staying with us overnight and wandered into our room at 06:45. I was already awake so having told her where the iPad was, I leapt out of bed for a shower and shave.  Once coffee was on the go, I prepared some watermelon for her, followed by ham. Zoe arrived in time to take her around to school with me.

Back home, I was tucking into breakfast when Zoe summoned me to help assemble Ellie's new double bed. The carpet fitter had just left, having laid a lovely new carpet. We emptied the boxes of components and ferried them all upstairs before reading the instructions (yes, really) and getting started. It all went very smoothly and a couple of hours later it was all done. At this point, Zoe realised she had ordered the wrong-sized mattress. It's not quite wide enough. I don't know what she plans to do about it, but it will do for now.

Back home Di had spent the morning ironing. We stopped for lunch and then had some Kindle time. This was rudely interrupted by a rain shower that sent us scurrying into the garden to bring in the washing.

Di met up with Zoe to collect Ellie from school and it allowed her to pop up to Ellie's bedroom and see the new carpet and bed.

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