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Monday, June 24, 2024


 We were up early for Ellie to be dropped off. I had forgotten to slice the ham yesterday so that was the first task once I had made coffee. (Ellie loves sliced ham for breakfast along with some fruit). Out came the slicer, thickness was set, power was switched on and a chunk of ham was gradually reduced to several dozen slices. Ellie was happy.

We dropped her off at school and then came back for breakfast before starting on our chores. My first task was to steam-clean the floors while Di started on the laundry. When that was done I retired to my study.

When I worked at IBM we would tunnel into the internal network using a form of VPN (Virtual Private Network). I have been considering installing a VPN to secure all my network traffic by encrypting it and tunnelling all the traffic to its destination. This is of particular interest when connecting to the internet via public networks, or when travelling. 

I spent several hours reviewing some of the big providers in the personal VPN marketplace and narrowed it down to three. I then asked AI (using Gemini) to compare the three. It did a pretty good job and its comparison gave me enough to rule one of them out. I then went back to the read reports on the remaining two. I chose SurfShark and opened an account. Within a few moments, I had downloaded and installed the software. My iMac, MacBook, iPad, and iPhone are now protected and the software seems to be completely transparent. If I find no issues over the next few days I will install it on Diane's devices.

We had some Kindle time after lunch and then picked Ellie up from school and took her home as Zoe had managed to finish early.

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