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Friday, June 14, 2024

Vision On

 I was up and about by the time Ellie awoke. She was her usual chirpy self as the normal morning protocol played out. We walked her to school and then went home for our own breakfast.

My domestic chores today focused on filters and cleaning. The dishwasher filter needed its regular cleaning and the dishwasher was asking for a "clean" cycle. With that underway, I returned to the vacuum cleaner, having realised that there was an additional filter I hadn't dealt with earlier in the week. The filter was removed and cleaned and replacement filters arrived from Amazon so I could swap the old ones.

The viewing card arrived from Sky. I set to work trying to coax the new Sky-Q box into life. It seemed to start ok - so clearly had communication with the TV, but then failed when it tried to initiate the Sky service itself. I stripped everything out of the cabinet and set it up separately on a spare TV. No change. After trying all of the debugging I could think of, I called Sky and a very patient technician took me through a process which allowed the system to burst into life. We now have the service running again - though I still have one "Power On" anomaly to fix, though I have a perfectly good workaround at present.

As I was finishing the Sky installation, we got a call from Maureen. Chris had been discharged from the hospital and could I take her along to collect him. It wasn't as quick as the other evening because it was the end of the school day and there was a lot of traffic around the back streets of Chichester, but it didn't take too long. Chris was clearly delighted to get out of the hospital, having sat waiting for his meds for several hours. In fact, he had given up and resolved to come back for them another day. As it happened, they arrived just as he was leaving.

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