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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Quiet Day

 I did remember to disable my wake-up alarm last night. It was 07:20 before I became conscious and wandered down for a coffee. Di came down a while later and we had a quiet breakfast as we consumed our toast and porridge and read the morning papers.

The morning was spent fiddling with software. To start with I wanted to disable the VPN when I was at home. It seemed to be consuming a lot of battery and there isn't really a threat within my network. Once that was sorted I tried to install the Bosch central heating app on Dis phone. This started well enough and correctly identified the main controller... but then it asked for a password to pair with that controller. I have no record of this and no recollection of what I set. I reread all of the manual and online help texts but couldn't find the magic incantation. This will have to wait until next week.

The afternoon started with Kindle time but eventually, I broke away to start on dinner and watch the coverage of the England-vs-Slovkia game in the Euros. I am really struggling to understand why the national team is still playing a style of football that is 5-10 years out of date... and what's more it a style that none of the players use at their own clubs. My main observations are:

  • If you have possession, the opposition can't score.
  • If you continually pass sideways or backward, you can't score.
  • There are no points for possession, only for goals.
  • If you don't shoot, you won't score.
  • If you try to walk the ball into the net, someone will get in your way.

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