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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Shaking it up

The sun was already warming the oven that is our village by the time I got up.  I was up in time for Ellie to be dropped off... her strawberries had been prepared, the ham laid out and her fruit smoothie was on the table. She burst into the house and demolished the lot. We took her to school and then wandered back for our own breakfast.

As I am scheduled to visit the dentist tomorrow morning we decided to shake things up a bit. We went to Sainsbury's. Yes, we really know how to live. Being Wednesday, the Zombies weren't present so the tour of the aisles went quickly and without incident. At no stage was I called upon to use a cattle prod or some well-chosen sarcasm.

The temperature continued to rise throughout the day. Like yesterday, it was too hot to read in the Orangery so again we retired to the relative cool of the lounge to read until it was time to collect Ellie. She wasn't here for long before Zoe collected her, but she would be back later to stay the night.

By the way, I'm getting fed up with messages from Royal Mail telling me that my package will arrive "today between 11:15 and 3:15" and then not turning up at all. It happens time and again.

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