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Saturday, June 29, 2024


 I stupidly forgot to switch off my alarm this morning. It was totally unnecessary, but I was up at 07:00 and soon enjoying my first coffee of the day. I had my usual Zoom call with my cousins. The attendance was a bit low today, but we still had fun and I was able to wind up Red Tim at the drop of a hat.

When my call was finished, Diane had a call with Jan from Odiham. We were eager to get news of John as he had been unwell. Progress seems to be slow and we will have to see if the meds make a difference as they kick in over the next few weeks.

After lunch, we had some Kindle time. High clouds had watered the sunshine and the Orangery didn't become as hot as it may have done.

Diane was collecting Ellie and taking her along to Sainsbury's to meet with Zoe and pick up various items for the upcoming holiday. While she was there I tried to activate the Discovery+ channel on EETV. Try as I may, I could not get this to work. I have Discovery+ working with the free version, but the basic subscription won't take at present. I faffed about for a while but eventually gave up. I will have to give them a call and sort it out. 

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