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Monday, June 10, 2024

Last Day

I was awake by 06:00 but stayed in bed for another 15 minutes. I then tidied the room and did the bulk of my packing for the return home. By 06:45 I was washed and dressed and sneaking into the kitchen to make a coffee… only to find that Charlie was already there with a similar mission - though he went back to bed.

It was very cloudy and quite cool, though the forecast suggested it would brighten up later. Slowly, the others emerged and we settled down for a breakfast of crumpets and croissants… and a group photo!

With breakfast done, and tidied away, we headed to the cars for a trip to Moissec (some 15km away). We hadn’t got long as we had to have lunch and head for the airport. We parked by the Canal du Midi and walked along the bank, stopping to look at the boats that were moored alongside. Two of them were own by Brits and we stopped for a quick chat with each of the them.

Moissec is on the Camino del Santiago and the Abbey is one of the stopping off points. It is famous for its cloister (described as being the most beautiful in the world). Unfortunately, we didn’t have time for the cloisters, but did get to wander around the Abbey Church itself (dedicated to St Peter).

With time getting on we headed back to the cars so that Liz could finish preparing lunch. We had some Toulouse sausage, mash, cheesy mash, and cauliflower cheese. The sausage was sensational. At 13:00 we headed for the airport. The traffic was kind to us and we had no delays on the roads, nor at check-in. The plane boarded on time and we took off only a few minutes late. Next stop Gatwick.

We landed in Gatwick ten minutes ahead of schedule. We whistled through passport control and I went through to baggage collection where I said goodbye to my companions. My bag came through fairly quickly and I headed for the train and was early enough to get the train before the one I had planned to catch. Diane and Ellie were waiting for me when I got to Bognor Regis and we were home for 18:30.

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