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Monday, July 01, 2024

Surely Not

I was awake at 04:30 and delighted to see I had more than two hours before I needed to get up. At 06:45 the alarm went off and scared seven bells out of me. My heart was still pounding as I reached the bathroom to begin my ablutions. Ellie, meanwhile, hadn't even woken up until 07:00 and I was washed, dressed, had her breakfast prepared, had emptied the dishwasher, and was halfway through my first coffee by the time she was dropped off.

Once she was dropped off at school, we had our breakfast and prepared for the day. I had two main tasks on my list for the day. Firstly, I wanted to complete the proper activation of Discovery+ on the EETV system. The second was to pay for the new heating controls and contract for a maintenance service.

The activation of Discovery+ was a problem. I tried again but, again, ended up in a loop. I phoned the helpline and they admitted that I was doing everything correctly but they (Discovery) clearly have a problem with the Safari browser on Apple devices. "Can you download a different browser?" asked the rep. "Not a chance" I replied. I ran upstairs and fired up the Windows laptop. Nothing happened. The battery had run out. I plugged it in and started again. This time I managed to log in and access the correct system using the "Edge" browser. The whole activation worked the first time, as advertised. I was a happy bunny. It is bizarre, however,  that in this day and age, we have to resort to this antique operating system to complete the activation.

I then set about the invoice for the completion of the heating controls. That got paid and I then followed up by requesting the maintenance service and setting up the monthly payment... which worked out roughly half the price of the old British Gas contract.

Di went along to the surgery this afternoon for the second dose of her shingles vaccine. We then settled down for some kindle time until it was time to collect Ellie. When she was back here with us, we got her to complete some of her outstanding homework until Zoe came to collect her.

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