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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Watch IT

 Today was Zoe's day off so we didn't have to get up early. After the statutory morning coffee and some time with the overnight news, I wandered to Zoe's and escorted Ellie to school with her.

Back home, and breakfast finished and cleared away, we headed to Sainsbury's. We were in and out within about 30 minutes by getting there so early. Once everything was packed away, I sent a message to Zoe to say we were free and she came round to see us.

Zoe had bought a watch for Ellie. This has an inbuilt GPS and can send and receive messages, video calls, and voice calls. There are plenty of other functions, but those are the key features. The best part is the ability to control the watch from an App. This means that Zoe can limit the numbers that can call the watch and the number it can contact. It can also send it into a silent mode (Classroom mode) which prevents its use for anything other than telling the time during school hours. The problem that we had was working out how everything worked and how to configure it. With Zoe here, we were able to work it out between us and, since Ellie returned from school, it has already been tested!

We were a bit worried about Jasper. Diane thought he had a film across his eyes. We booked an appointment with the vet for late afternoon. By mid-afternoon, we had managed to have another look and decided there was no sign of the film after all. The appointment was cancelled.

We were sorry to hear that our friend John, in Odiham, was taken into hospital for 12-hourly dialysis after some blood tests yesterday.

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