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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Early drop

We were up in time for an early drop-off. Ellie burst onto the scene and demolished a hearty breakfast of cereal and fruit. Then, after morning ablutions, she finished off this week's homework. She did well as it was a complicated poem with lots of homophones where the wrong words were written and had to be replaced with the correct words. It took her nearly 30 minutes, but she managed and we submitted the results online through SeeSaw.

Once Ellie had been dropped off at school (having fallen off her skateboard en route), we had a lazy breakfast and then prepared for a raid on Sainsbury's. As we will be hosting the family for Sunday lunch, it was a big shop - so much so that we could hardly fit it all in the trolley. It took nearly as long to put it away as it did to fetch it.

After lunch, we had the usual Kindle time and when the clock ticked around to the end of the school day, I headed out for a walk around the lake on the way to school. Ellie wanted to stop at the park on the way home, so we headed to the usual play area and I let her run off her excess energy for a while before we headed home.

Zoe has a day off tomorrow, so there will be no need for an early start.

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