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Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Zoe had a late start so I didn't have to set the alarm. After the mandatory coffee and news update, I wandered around to walk with Ellie and Zoe to school. It was the first chilly morning of the season and is destined to cool even further by the end of the week. At least it was bright and sunny.

Diane was out for the morning. She was meeting up with Pauline at Haskins. No doubt donkeys were shuffling around without their hind legs after a while. 

With Diane out, Jasper was obviously in charge. I got his permission to go out for a walk. I plugged my current audiobook into my ears and set off along the old highway to Shripney. It's always a peaceful walk as there is no through traffic. The only interruption is where the path crosses the by-pass. 

When I got home (and fed Jasper) I started on the marinade for our dinner. I was trying a recipe I had seen on Facebook about 10 days ago. The marinade was made up of lemon zest, lemon juice, olive oil, grated shallots, grated garlic, oregano, paprika, salt, and black pepper. I then plunged three large chicken breasts into the mixture and thoroughly coated them before leaving them to marinate in the fridge for the afternoon.

Di returned early in the afternoon and we had some Kindle time before collecting Ellie from school.  Ellie was explaining to us that she had put her name forward to represent her class on the school council. The results of the vote will be announced on Friday. While Di supervised Ellie's times tables practice, I started on dinner. The chicken was fried in a little oil with the marinade. (I did a plain chicken breast for Ellie). When Zoe arrived back from work, we served up and were very happy with the results.

Mid-evening I had a Zoom call with the local Conservative Association with regards to the selection of our next County Councillor. Unfortunately, our candidate, Keir, had dropped out. He is by far the best and most active and pro-active councillor we have ever had. It's a shame that he has withdrawn, but his health must come first. Needless to say, there was some pressure for me to stand or suggest another candidate. I respectfully declined.

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