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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Not Every Day

 Ellie was dropped off early this morning, so we were up and about and addressing the bright sunny morning long before it was time for the walk to school. Once Ellie was safely delivered to the classroom door we wandered home for breakfast.

Once some domestic chores were finished, I went out for a walk in the bright sunshine. It was crisp and cool, but absolutely gorgeous. I walked around the lake as my latest audiobook played through the AirPods. I then headed up to the old medieval highway to Shripney and crossed the bypass. This was where I was greeted by a sight you don't see every day. A herd of goats had escaped from their enclosure and were just mooching around on the road. They seemed perfectly happy even though they were only about 100m from the bypass. They posed for a photo as I made my way through with the idea of finding their owner and alerting her. As it happened, a few hundred metres further on a pickup was heading towards me, so I flagged it down and the driver said that I shouldn't worry, "... they often escape, but never venture towards the bypass". By the time I finished that leg of my walk and turned back, they had gone back to their enclosure.

Amazon delivered some garment bags. These are similar to those used by the dry cleaners. Jasper likes to slink through my wardrobe and "nest" on the bottom shelf. In order to get there he brushes past my coats and trousers, leaving them coated with clumps of his fur. I stripped and cleaned all the coats and trousers and rehung them in garment bags. Hopefully, he can now wander in and out without moulting on my clothes.

After some Kindle time, we collected Ellie from school and took her straight home. She'd been at an after-school club, so didn't finish until 16:00. By the time we got her home, Zoe was on her way home from work. We left them to it.

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