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Tuesday, September 03, 2024

New Term

 Today was the start of the new school year for Ellie. I walked around to the house where she was all ready and itching to get going. The gates wouldn't open until 08:35 so there was no point in setting off too soon. As it was the first day of term, there were lots of parents seeing their little ones off. Ellie is now in Year 3, so is one of the more grown-up children. We waited for the classroom to open and in a trice, all of the children charged in and the parents all trudged away.

I returned home to finish reading the news before heading for the bus to get to Chichester for a dental appointment. As I was getting ready to leave, Zoe arrived to help Diane get Jasper off to the Vet for his post-op checkup. It turns out that he has an infection in his mouth where some teeth were removed. This explains why he has been off his food for the last few days.

My trip to the dental hygienist was unremarkable. I had arrived in plenty of time and managed to read a few chapters of my book before being called in. There was nothing to report. I made my way back to the bus stop and was soon whizzing back home. I had used this trip as a test bed for the GPS Tracker. I had switched it on and kept it in my pocket throughout the whole trip. On my return, I examined the route that had been recorded and was pleased to see how accurate it had been.

After lunch, we had some Kindle time until it was time to collect Ellie from school. Di went along to meet with Zoe and wander around to the school. Ellie had a great first day and really liked her new teacher.

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