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Monday, September 09, 2024

Early Start

We knew that we had to be up early for Ellie to be dropped off. What we didn't realise was Jasper would decide he was hungry at 04:00 and was not going to take "No" for an answer. I pottered down the stairs and opened the timed cat feeder; Jasper dived in and I wandered back up to bed. Unfortunately, I was now wide awake, and that's how it stayed until I got up at 06:30 to be ready for Ellie.

Ellie was a bit subdued when she arrived, but a cuddle with Grandpa seemed to break the spell and she was fine after that. We dropped her off at school at the usual time and went home for our own breakfast. There were a few domestic chores to clear during the morning and when they were complete, I walked into the village to post a card for Jan and John's impending Anniversary.

Talking of Anniversaries, today is Kim's Jon's birthday. Happy Birthday, Jon.

There was some Kindle time after lunch until we had to collect Ellie from school. She was full of the joys of Spring (or should that be Autumn?) and came home to do some colouring and then played a board game until Zoe collected her. (There was no homework).

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