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Friday, September 06, 2024

Back and forth

 We were up early again, ready for Ellie to be dropped off. She was already dressed and after breakfast and a wash, would be ready for school. There was a break in the rain at just the right time, so we didn't get wet doing the school run.

There was some admin to clear after breakfast but then we had to take Jasper back to the vet. After some discussion, it was decided he should stay put for some treatment and some tests. We left him and waited for the vet to call and set a time for picking him up. It would appear that he has high blood pressure and this is affecting his appetite and his vision.

After lunch, we had a little Kindle time before I went to collect Ellie from school. She had enjoyed the day but was clearly tired from the first week back. Zoe came to collect her soon after 16:00.

We drove back to Oving to meet with the vet and collect Jasper. We have various meds to control his blood pressure and (hopefully) restore his appetite. We'll have to contact the Insurance company as this is getting expensive!

The good news, since getting home, is that he has tucked into his dinner... and keeps coming back for more.

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