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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Up for the Cup

Diane was going out with Kathie for the day so we were on the go a bit earlier than usual for a Saturday. I was also going out, but not until later. I had my usual call with the cousins, though the Australian contingent was notable by their absence. Maggie was also absent - she was on a coach travelling from Margate down to Bognor... but more about that in a minute. The call was the usual 40 minutes of reminiscing, banter, teasing and chat, and it seemed to end too soon.

As the call finished, Diane headed off into the wide blue yonder. She was meeting Kathie at the Weald and Downland Museum at Singleton, just north of Chichester. It is quite a few years since we have been there, but it has become famous as the location for the TV Show "The Repair Shop". 

An hour or so later, I left (with an audiobook plugged into my ears) and walked up to the "MKM Arena" which is the home of Bognor Regis Town FC. They had an FA Cup qualifying match against Margate (hence Maggie's trip). I arrived in plenty of time and checked where the bar was, and (as a man of a certain age) where the loos were. I grabbed a beer and wandered around to get the feel of the ground. As I wandered, I bumped into our neighbour, Ken. He was there for the first time, and he too was having a mooch around before the game. 

My phone rang. It was Maggie saying they were just walking up to the ground. I went back to meet her at the turnstiles. Maggie was easy to pick out as her daughter, Terry, was with her and she was carrying a big drum. 

We stopped off at one of the concessions so they could get some food and drink and then after a brief chat, Terry made her way to a spot behind the goal. 

Maggie and I turned to head towards the stands. She saw Francis in the distance and waved him over. Francis (Maggie's younger brother) is the kit man for Margate (and also a fully qualified Referee). We had a nice chat before he was called back to the Margate squad and we went settled in our seats.

Throughout the game, the thump of Terry's drum and her battle cry of "Margate, Margate" could be heard across the ground. People in the stands groaned every time she started a new refrain. It was really quite funny.

The game was not a classic. Margate won 0-4 and never really looked under threat. Bognor ("the Rocks") were utterly inept. They easily hassled off the ball when they got it, their passing was dreadful, and like the England team, spent more time passing backwards than going forwards. If they had made a better game of it, I'd be tempted to go more regularly. (When I say more regularly, there is an implication that my attendance at one game per year, can be considered regular).

The game over, we went and chatted with Francis a bit more and I commented on how many balls were kicked over the stands and out of the ground. He chuckled "... at least it's not my problem" as it would have been if we had been at Margate. We said our goodbyes and I left them at their luxury coach and walked on home.

Diane got back about an hour after me. She had enjoyed a fabulous day at the Weald & Downland Museum. She enjoyed it so much that she is now looking into the purchase of an annual pass, and we are thinking of taking Ellie there during half-term (weather permitting).

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