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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Tracks and Snaps

 We both saw a gentle start to the day after a very good night's sleep. The agenda was not exactly overflowing so we settled down for breakfast and read the news.

Diane had some ironing that she wanted to clear, so she got on with that. I went to the study to process a backlog of photos. The first task was to set the file dates on the scans of Ellie's school photos and then create some EXIF data for them (using ExifTool). This took me a little while, but I eventually got it right. I was then able to file them in the correct parts of my master photo library. I then processed 300+ photos from the last few months. They were already in the correct folders, but there had been no facial identification applied. Lightroom did a pretty good job at pulling out all of the faces. I just had to go through and identify them. This took a couple of hours. With everything squared away, I ran the backups to ensure all the data was captured on several more NAS drives.

This afternoon I sat down with my Kindle but before I had even switched it on, Ellie knocked at the door. She was with a friend and wanted me to raise the seat on her bike. While I did that, Diane affixed the GPS Tracker to her jeans. A few minutes later she was off. I tracked her progress around the estate. She covered almost 8km over the next couple of hours. I expect she will sleep well tonight. (Zoe, meanwhile, has been looking for other solutions to the tracking and has come up with a smartwatch which includes a phone. I'll look at the write-up and see if it makes sense).

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