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Monday, August 12, 2024

Zoned Out

 My body decided that I had slipped back to Turkey overnight. As a result, I woke at 6:45 (Turkish time) which, unfortunately, was 4:45 here in the UK. I lay still for a while, but by 6:15 I had to get going. Coffee was consumed and the news was perused. Despite my attempt not to disturb Diane, she was up soon after 7. 

My morning was taken up with a list of administrative trivia which included writing some reviews for our central heating chap. With that done, I then had the excitement of writing a post-holiday shopping list. Mid morning the chap who cleaned our driveway and patios came around to clean the outside of the Orangery. He brought his wife with him, to hold the ladder and then got stuck in. Firstly, he cleaned out the gutters - which turned out to be full of various airborne detritus. Once the gutters were done, he set about the glass and vinyl. It's looking very good, but he will have to return next week to try and get at the inaccessible area of the roof, from our upstairs windows.

I did the Sainsbury's run this afternoon. It was remarkably quiet in-store, so I was in and out quite quickly.

After a fabulously warm, sunny day and given the early start, I suspect it be a quiet evening followed by an early night.

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