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Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 I managed to have a lie-in. It was 07:00 before I got up and staggered down the stairs for coffee. We had had rain overnight, but it was drying up when I opened the blinds.

Di bought me a set of intelligent scales, as an anniversary present. I set up the accompanying App and linked it to the scales. I was pleased that it calibrated exactly against our old mechanical scales. After a few moments, it reported weight, BMI, body fat, subcutaneous fat, skeletal muscle metabolic age, visceral fat, and several other statistics. I was impressed with how comprehensive the report was, and pleased to see that it shared this data with the Apple Health app.

During the morning, I cleared the slimy blanket weed from the rill. Di had sprinkled a weed killer on it and after 24 hours it had turned into a foamy slime. I used a net to scoop it all out and left it to dry before adding it to the green waste bin.

Diane headed off to the hairdresser's late morning. While she was gone, I ploughed through much of the post-holiday ironing. I then headed up to the study to spend some more time fiddling with the Apple Music library. There is a fair way to go to refresh my whole library, but I think it is worth the effort.

We both managed a little Kindle-time this afternoon.

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