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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Home thoughts from... home

 My word, it's good to be sleeping in our own bed. We both slept really well, but being a man of habit, I awoke at 6:45 without any prompting from my alarm (which was switched off). Once awake I was worried that I would fidget and disturb Di, so I snuck downstairs for my first coffee of the day and to make a list of the various items of admin I would have to address during the day.

Di emerged an hour or so later, but it became clear that she had a return of her "gastric stress". This would keep her close to home throughout the day. In turn, this meant that I would have to be trusted to go and fetch Jasper from the cattery, by myself! This event turned into an epic as the gridlock around Chichester and towards the coast turned the 8-mile journey into a 65-minute drive. The run back was much quicker and I was home in 12 minutes! Jasper has soon settled back into the swing of things and is patrolling the house and grounds as I write this.

One of the features of our TV is called "Ambient Mode" which allows an image to be displayed when the TV is idle. I have tried this before but never really achieved the result that I wanted. Today I made a concerted effort to display one of the images from our Turkey trip. It took a lot of fiddling about, but I succeeded and we now have the panorama that was visible from the villa in Kalkan as a piece of artwork when the TV is not in use. Very satisfying.

We had been invited to Zoe's for a BBQ this afternoon. This would not have been sensible, given Di's discomfort, so I popped around to say hello and drop off some cards that had been sent to us for her Birthday. I didn't stay for too long.

Di has spent most of the day catching up on the holiday laundry. The washing machine provided sterling service throughout the day and as it has been so warm, the washing dried quickly. 

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