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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Quiet Sunday

 We had a slow start to the day. There was no specific plan. The day would just evolve.

Diane wanted to go to the local nursery for some plants. I had received a call from Zoe asking for some help, so Di set off for Shopwycke and I walked around to Zoe's. Zoe had bought a new TV for her bedroom and needed help plugging it in, as the socket was behind a chest of drawers within her wardrobe. Kim and Jon had just arrived when I got there, so Jon and I set about the challenge together. It was a matter of removing all of the drawers and then the chest itself. The plug was duly inserted and we started to put everything back together. We took the opportunity to level the chest of drawers because previously it had sloped forward slightly and this caused some of the drawers to open. Shims were added under the chest and the job was done.

After lunch, Diane planted the new purchases and I settled down with my Kindle until it was time to start on the Sunday Roast. I finished off the pork crackling in the air fryer and this was very successful.

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