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Thursday, August 29, 2024


 I knew that we were looking after Ellie today and that she would be staying overnight. I am sufficiently senile, however, to have forgotten that she wasn't being dropped off until lunchtime. So it was that my alarm went off, needlessly, at 06:30. I got up and as I approached the bathroom the reality of the day's schedule dawned on me. I returned to bed and apologised to Di (who, to be fair, had forgotten to switch off her 07:00 alarm).

When the morning finally got underway, I dealt with some admin regarding the annual insurance for the house, car, and Jasper. There were a few minor changes and I wanted them recorded accurately. I also queried why there was no breakdown cover, to be informed that the breakdown cover was packaged in my bank account rather than the insurance. As long as we have cover, I don't care where it comes from.

From the insurance, I returned to our TV service with EE. It was time to change the package again removing the Sports package and replacing it with the Entertainment package. This was well timed as the price seems to have been reduced.

Ellie was dropped off and settled down for a lunch of hot dogs. Her friends came a knocked, asking if she could come out to play. We armed her with an AirTag and of she went to play in the various parks and open spaces around the estate. We realised that the AirTag was of limited use. It only triggered when it was within range of an IOS device, and clearly, there were few about. I was also hoping I could send it a signal to chime and thus call Ellie home. That didn't work as I had to be within Bluetooth range for that to function. In the end, I went out to the last locations she had been near and found her opposite the school. She had enjoyed several hours of freedom to run around with her friends but now it was time for dinner. I think we need to find a better solution for tracking her (she seems delighted that we can monitor her).

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