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Thursday, August 22, 2024


After an escalation of ongoing domestic tension around the corner, Diane ended up sleeping at Zoe's last night as Darren was sent packing. This will mean some changes for all of us as Zoe adjusts to being single again, and G-Force has to step up to provide cover when her shifts demand it. My mantra "adapt and survive" gets replayed, again.

I got up at 06:45 just in case Di and Ellie were disturbed when Zoe left for work. I needn't have bothered, it was an hour or so before they turned up. The weather today has been pretty foul so there was no temptation to go out - other than a quick trip to Sainsbury's for some sauce for tonight's supper.

I spent more time looking at note-taking apps for the iPad, hoping to find something that may be useful for Kim. I was impressed with GoodNotes particularly the way in which it handled the Apple pen and the various templates that it provided. Now the question that Kim still has to address is whether she would rather write notes on paper or on the iPad. If she wants to write on paper, there are further options that allow the text to be sync'd to the iPad. I need to chat with her when she finishes her current batch of night duties.

Ellie had a kit that could be used to produce marbling effects on paper or canvas. We had to set this up during the morning as the liquid had to cure for about 4 hours before use. 

This afternoon she had a go with several canvases and we were all immensely impressed with the results.

Zoe came here after work; I was preparing dinner for us all and she probably needed the company for a while before heading home. Ellie is staying here with us tonight as Zoe has to perform an "out-of-hours" inspection in the early hours. Fortunately, she has a day off tomorrow.

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