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Thursday, August 01, 2024

It begins

I always feel as if a holiday has started as we drive away from the Cattery. I was so relaxed this morning that I didn't wake up until 07:45... that's not like me at all. It was warm and sunny again, and the temperature hovered in the high 20s. The yellow weather warning for thunderstorms has amounted to nothing so far, though the weather map shows some heavy storms north of here.

Zoe had received another missive from DPD. The second part of yesterday's delivery would arrive late morning. I duly walked around and settled with my Kindle to await the knock. It was on the dot of midday when he arrived and we manhandled the box into the hallway, and I headed home.

Back home, Diane has been refining her packing and I have been helping by weighing each new configuration of each suitcase. We finally have everything packed and each case is within the weight limit. Success! Meanwhile, I have been trying to find the best configuration for my rucksack. I'm a little confused by the fact that my camera seems to trigger the Magsafe iPhone charger. I need to keep them well away from each other. I also downloaded a few films or TV Episodes to watch on my iPad (whether I will, is another matter).

We had a nice Facetime call from Ellie this evening. I think we are all looking forward to seeing her tomorrow, after 2 weeks away. 

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