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Friday, August 09, 2024

Last Day

Today is the last full day here in Kalkan. I was up at seven and, unusually, Di was the next one up… followed by Kim. Late night’s dirty stop-outs didn’t get back until about 23:30 and certain people were a little hungover (not Ellie or Broadie!!!). It took another 90 minutes before everyone had emerged this morning.

There was no firm plan for the day. Kim and Jon went off their motorbike. They were heading for town and planning to get some lunch. The rest of us stayed by the pool - in my case, tucked in the shade. It was a very relaxing day, despite the heat which reached the mid-30s again and stayed very intense until about 16:00.

I wandered around the grounds taking a few photos to remember the wonderful views that greet us every morning. I was also nabbed to be the subject of several photos (just to prove I was here). Late in the afternoon Darren, Zoe, and Ellie headed down to the town to get some shopping for tonight’s dinner. Tammy and Broadie also went down for some ice cream and last-minute shopping - and bearing in mind I haven’t seen Millie for several hours, I suspect she has gone to the town also.

Once the intensity of the sun had waned, I hit the pool for a few lengths. It was delightful after such a hot day. When I had showered, I started packing in preparation for tomorrow.

We have a large BBQ planned for tonight and it may well include 1.5kg of prawns that I bought yesterday (and kept in the freezer).

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