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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Gearing Up

 I was up at 06:30 to greet Ellie as she was dropped off on Zoe's way to work. Unlike yesterday, she was wide awake so we had a bubbly hour or two.

Just as we were about to take Ellie to Littlehampton to meet with her friend Lily, I received a text to say that Kim's MacBook was being delivered this morning. This was a week early... and it was a problem as we would be out. I asked Ian and Trudy, but they were going out. I tried Chris and Maureen, but they were going out. Then I found that Paul and Ali would be available and could take it in. Instructions were entered in the DHL app and we headed off to LA. 

Andrea and Lily arrived soon after us and Ellie charged across to greet them. We left them to it and then went for a walk along the front and down by the riverside.

We stopped off at the Harbour Lights Cafe for a cup of coffee and a muffin. It was very pleasant sitting in the sunshine and watching the river flow past.

We carried on upstream until the path ended up near the Arun View. We turned back and retraced our steps to the car park and then headed home.

As we pulled up, Paul came to hand over the parcel containing the MacBook. I sent Kim a message to say it had arrived and she agreed to come and collect it. When she arrived we unpacked the MacBook and she set it up. I took her through many of its features and installed the TimeMachine backup. After a couple of hours, everything was ready and we had also configured her iPad. Now it's up to her to become familiar with it.

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