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Friday, August 30, 2024


 It was a gentle start to the day. I was up first, and Ellie came down soon after but only to get a charger for the iPad. Once we were all up and about, some of Ellie's new friends knocked at the door and invited her out to play. I attached the AirTag and off she went until lunchtime.

Di spent most of the day working through a pile of ironing. I spent most of the day researching and comparing GPS trackers that Ellie can wear when she's out and about. There were too many gaps in the tracking of the AirTag. It took several hours to narrow the choice down. I phoned their sales offices to ask for several clarifications. My favourite choice was rejected because it was too big - there was no way that Ellie would carry it around. I called another but found they required a monthly subscription of nearly £20. I eventually selected a model from a German manufacturer. It should arrive early next week and then we can assess the best way to use it.

Ellie spent the afternoon out playing, again. She was meant to be off to Pete's for the weekend, but a major crash on the A27 was disrupting the traffic between Arundel and Chichester, and the A259 was closed because of a huge fire at an industrial unit near Ford. The plan at present is that Ellie will stay with Zoe until Pete can get across to collect her... but won't even try until this evening.

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