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Thursday, August 08, 2024

Power Cut?

We were given advanced warning that the power was likely to be switched off between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. This meant that we had to come up with a plan for the day as no power meant no air-conditioning and no water. The first alteration came when I decided to forego my morning swim as I didn’t want to be caught without a shower. Kim, Jon, Millie and Darren decided to take the boat across to the Mahal Beach Club. Di and I decided to have a quiet morning at the villa and then head down to the old town for a mooch around. Zoe, Tammy, Ellie and Broadie elected to stay at the villa.

We summoned Mohammed, our tame taxi driver, and he took us to the old town. We roamed down to the harbour and wandered along past the boats and restaurants along to the local beach. 

We swung around and headed back, stopping for a snack down at “Aubergine” overlooking the marina. Di had baklava for the first time and absolutely loved it, chased down with a coffee. I forced myself to have a beer so that I remained hydrated in the hot sun. (It was about 34C and humid again today).

I must say that the old town and particularly the area down by the marina is absolutely gorgeous. We zigzagged up from the marina, up through the old town going up one alley down another it was hard work (as it’s very steep), but it was absolutely gorgeous.

We stopped for lunch at Chata Restaurant where we sat on the roof terrace and chatted to a family from Nottingham. We had a wonderful hour chatting, eating and drinking. Di had a beef sandwich which was an open baguette with onions mushrooms and a whole cow on top. I had a pizza and again managed to maintain my hydration levels with a further infusion of beer.

We continued our exploration of the old town and stopped at a couple of shops. At one, we got a nice outfit for Ellie, and I bought a nice t-shirt. 

We headed back to the taxi rank and then up to the villa. It turns out that the power had remained on all day… and Zoe, Tammy, Ellie, and Broadie had enjoyed a nice quiet day at the villa. Soon after we got back (and I had a swim) all the others arrived back. They too had enjoyed an excellent day at the beach club.

This evening Zoe, Darren, Tammy and the kids have gone into town for dinner. The rest of us are just chillin' back at the villa.

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