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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Lie in

 After the excitement of yesterday's events, it was nice to have a lie-in this morning. I was still up before 08:00, but it was nice to get the extra 45 minutes or so!

The morning was filled with small jobs around the house. These included Di preparing the latest box of items for the charity shop, and several bags of clothes for the dump. I was pleased to find that our new roll-on suitcases fit inside our big suitcases. This solves a storage problem that I had been puzzling over.

I went for a walk just before lunch. I strolled around the lake then up to North Bersted Street where I looped down across the bypass and along towards Shripney. Once I had gone as far as I wanted, I spun around and retraced my steps. I was out for about an hour and enjoyed a chunk of my latest audiobook. Back home, I whipped up a salad wrap with mackerel for lunch and then settled down for some Kindle time.

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