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Thursday, August 15, 2024


Ellie decided, yesterday evening, that she wanted to sleep here overnight. Zoe dropped her off and Di took her straight up to get ready for bed. She was asleep by 20:00 and slept through until about 07:30 this morning. I had been up and about for about 30 minutes by the time she came down.

After breakfast, Diane oversaw Ellie's ablutions, and when she was ready, I took her with me to go to Sainsbury's for a quick top-up. We saw Zoe while we were there.  Once we were back home, Ellie joined Di in the sewing room and they started a little project to make a patchwork cushion. Ellie did very well and the project is well underway.

I spent several hours looking at my laptop for a laptop. Kim is off to University in September and I said I would provide her a laptop. Battery life was one of the requirements she had mentioned. The obvious answer is a MacBook, but a Windows 11 system is likely to be more compatible with the University's apps. I have found some possible candidate systems, but each of them has some drawbacks, according to the reviews.

Ellie and I went out for a walk this afternoon. We didn't go too far, but we had a chat as we walked and she pointed out the homes of several of her school friends. 

Darren collected Ellie late afternoon, but she will be back first thing tomorrow.

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