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Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Up late

We all slept late after last night’s excursion to the old town. My alarm went off at 06:45 because I forgot to switch it off last night (that was not popular). I went back to sleep for an hour then wandered out to patio to read the news, drink some coffee, and have a swim. Again, Kim was first to join me, followed a while later by Ellie.

It was clearly going to be another hot day. The forecast suggested 34C. During the morning, Zoe, Di and Tammy headed down to the shops for necessary supplies.

Kim, Jon, and Millie headed off to a local beach club for a few hours. Ellie was feeling a bit down, possibly because of the slight heat rash she had on her legs. Zoe called a taxi and popped down to the pharmacy for some liquid Piriton (children’s). Within 20 minutes, Ellie was back to her usual self. She and Broadie spent a fair bit of time in the air-conditioned lounge. The temperatures were in the mid-30s and with the humidity it felt like 39C (according to the local weather app) so hiding inside made sense.

The intensity of the heat died down by 16:00 and somehow all 10 of us ended up in the pool. Kim taught Ellie and Broadie to snorkel and they practised up and down the pool.

Some of the crew (no names, no pack drill) are heading back into town for a bit of a boogie this evening. It will come as no surprise that the more mature of us will be staying put).

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