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Friday, August 16, 2024


G-Force was in action again today. I was up early so that Ellie could be dropped off soon after 07:00. She looked half-asleep when she came through the door. I asked if she wanted a cuddle - she did, but only with Nana. I sent her upstairs and left them to it. It was another half hour before they came down for breakfast.

I spent part of the morning catching up on the accounts while Diane and Ellie were up in the sewing room finishing the cushions. When Ellie had completed the cushions, she then played quietly in her room before coming downstairs and reading in the lounge. She was reading an encyclopaedia and doing some maths in a puzzle book. 

I took the opportunity to take a walk and post a birthday card. I started a new audiobook as I went. It seems quite good so far.

After lunch, Ellie decided to play doctors. Diane and I were confined to our ward (the Orangery) and blessed with various treatments at her hands. Zoe picked her up just after 16:00. She is off to Pete's for the weekend.

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