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Saturday, August 24, 2024


By way of an experiment, this whole blog entry was handwritten and automatically transcribed. That was the original opening sentence of this journal entry I have been writing on and off throughout the day. I was very positive about it and found it an easy way to jot down thoughts at random intervals. The problem was that while it transcribed everything to text, I could find no way to shift that raw text into the blog - but I could insert an image of the text. I will have to experiment more - but not tonight.

Ellie stirred just after 07:30 and that was enough to send me scurrying downstairs for a coffee. It was another hour before anyone else emerged and by then, I had to get ready for my call with the cousins.

After the call, I spent some time fitting the new "PaperLike" screen protector to the iPad. It was a bit fiddly trying to eliminate all of the little air bubbles, but when it was finished I tried it out and must say that it is a significant improvement if you plan to use the Apple pencil to write on the screen.

Diane spent some time catching up on Ellie's laundry. (She does seem to change her outfit several times an hour when she is here). Di then set about a reorganisation of one of the kitchen cupboards. I have made up a batch of chicken curry which spent several hours simmering away on the hob. There was enough for tonight's dinner and a portion set aside for next week.

Di received a message from Jan and John to say how much they had enjoyed their recent River Cruise. So much so, that they have already booked another for next Summer. It certainly is a very relaxing way to travel and see some astonishing sights.

Zoe has had all of the locks changed today. She and Ellie have just popped in to give us some new keys. 

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